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I'll give some tips so that we treat hp does not quickly damaged.

1. Do not to get wet.
Because water and humid air will accelerate corrosion. When the mobile phone we have corrosion in the components will occur in the short contact-line path that should not. This may cause damage immediately. If the mobile we get wet, remove the battery. This is to avoid the occurrence of short-contact and damage to the components. Then immediately dry by hairdryer or fan. If you believe you can disassemble it by yourself, it is better to do, then clean and dry. This is to avoid the occurrence of corrosion on the foot-path components and PCB.
2. Avoid impact
Impact can cause the components apart or damaged. When this happens, you should take it to the serviceman.
3. Avoid the crush
Basically crush will as a result of impact. However, the most vulnerable is the lcd. lcd including one of the expensive components, pressure can affect it broken, it means you will spend the rather large budget to replace.

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